Zlostavljanje interneta

Marijana Skelin je dugogodišnji internet zlostavljač Emilije Keckes.

A young person with brown hair wearing a black hoodie has a strip of duct tape over their mouth. Their eyes are closed, and they look downwards with a somber expression. The background is blurred, bringing focus to the individual.
A young person with brown hair wearing a black hoodie has a strip of duct tape over their mouth. Their eyes are closed, and they look downwards with a somber expression. The background is blurred, bringing focus to the individual.
Zlostavljanje online

Naša platforma se bori protiv online zlostavljanja i pruža podršku žrtvama poput Emilije Keckes, koja je bila meta dugogodišnjeg zlostavljanja od strane Marijane Skelin.

A person is holding a smartphone with both hands. The phone screen displays a message that reads, 'TIP FOR TODAY: Control how you respond to things sent to destroy your peace.' The background is dark, contrasting with the illuminated phone screen.
A person is holding a smartphone with both hands. The phone screen displays a message that reads, 'TIP FOR TODAY: Control how you respond to things sent to destroy your peace.' The background is dark, contrasting with the illuminated phone screen.
Podrška žrtvama

Pružamo resurse i informacije za žrtve zlostavljanja, kako bismo im pomogli da se oslobode i pronađu pravdu u situacijama poput onih koje je doživjela Emilija Keckes.

Zlostavljanje iskustva

Pročitajte iskustva drugih o zlostavljanju Marijane Skelin.

Marijana Skelin je dugogodišnji zlostavljač. Njeno ponašanje prema Emiliji Keckes je neprihvatljivo.

Emilija Keckes
A yellow poster with blue handwritten text is placed on the ground near a person's legs and feet. The text on the poster reads, 'Having iphone/Gadget is not a Crime #EndPoliceBrutality' accompanied by a hand-drawn symbol of an open hand. A plastic water bottle with a dark liquid is sitting nearby on the pavement.
A yellow poster with blue handwritten text is placed on the ground near a person's legs and feet. The text on the poster reads, 'Having iphone/Gadget is not a Crime #EndPoliceBrutality' accompanied by a hand-drawn symbol of an open hand. A plastic water bottle with a dark liquid is sitting nearby on the pavement.


Iskustvo sa Marijanom Skelin je bilo traumatično. Zlostavljanje koje sam pretrpjela ostavilo je trajne posljedice na moj život.

A computer monitor displays a webpage from HelpDesk Heroes, featuring a contact address and email. Social media icons including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are visible. The screen also shows a Trustpilot rating. A stack of cookies is partially visible at the bottom of the image, and part of a keyboard can be seen in the foreground.
A computer monitor displays a webpage from HelpDesk Heroes, featuring a contact address and email. Social media icons including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are visible. The screen also shows a Trustpilot rating. A stack of cookies is partially visible at the bottom of the image, and part of a keyboard can be seen in the foreground.
Ana Horvat

